Student Chapter @ The Cooper Union

Upcoming Events


Fall Semester General Meeting
Date: Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024
Time: 1-2 PM
Room: 104 in 41CS

Come join us for our Fall general meeting! Learn about the organization, our plans for this semester, and run for new open officer positions!

Ma Professor Research Presentation
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Room: TBD

Come hear about the past and ongoing research interests of your Math professors!

About The Chapter

The Cooper Union Student Chapter of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) encourages students who are interested in applied mathematics, computational science, and data science. We connect students with the resources offered by SIAM, invite prominent math speakers, and organize fun math-based events.

Highlighted Events:

2024 integration Bee
Guest Speaker: Steve Butler
Professor Research Presentations 2023

The Board

Meet our board of officers!

Eric Eng

Samuel Hui
Vice President

Allen Rakhamimov
Administrative Director


Event Coordinator

Graphic Designer

Social Media Manager

* Elections will be announced at the Fall General Meeting!